After you have completed your periodontal therapy it is very important to keep your routine care appointments at our office, and maintain your homecare. You will be placed on a three or four month maintenance schedule depending on your healing and homecare diligence.
Recall appointments that follow periodontal treatment or scaling and root planing are called supportive periodontal therapy, or periodontal maintenance. These visits are recommended approximately every three months and are critical to the success of the initial non- surgical therapy. Because periodontal disease can only be controlled, and not cured, oral hygiene maintenance and professional care must be continued indefinitely for the best long-term results.
The supportive periodontal therapy appointment is different than a regular cleaning appointment. Each visit entails intricate procedures that carefully monitor and control your periodontal health and stability. Also, more extensive scaling is performed under the gums. Periodontal disease is chronic and episodic in nature, so flair up infections may occur, (even after initial treatment) especially when the immune system is compromised. At this periodontal maintenance visit, isolated root debridement and / or antimicrobial irrigation may be necessary to get the infection under control. Anesthetic may be provided if necessary for comfort at these visits.
Research indicates that along with proper home care, periodontal maintenance procedures every three months after initial therapy are necessary to control the progression of bone destruction and tooth loss.